Author: Edge Marketing

Samaritan’s Purse
Our Edge team filled gift boxes with school supplies, personal care items, and toys for children in need through the Operation Christmas Child mission of

Strategic Guide For Liquidity Events
. View our Strategic Guide For Liquidity Events PDF. Edge takes a comprehensive approach to the liquidity event process and will be with you every step

Ten “TO-DOs” for You and Your Young Adult
. View a PDF of our Ten “TO-DOs” for You and Your Young Adult. Summer is winding down….is a bird leaving your nest? Launching a

Education Planning Guide
. View a PDF of our Education Planning Guide. With an understanding of your financial goals, your advisory team can help model education expense and

Kendrick Mattox, Partner, Featured in Article and Podcast
We are excited to announce that one of our Partners, Kendrick Mattox, was interviewed for a podcast that was discussed in an article on

EDGE…ing Toward a Brighter Future
On June 14th, we kicked off our latest community engagement project entitled “EDGE…ing Toward a Brighter Future” in partnership with Wealthy Habits and the Andrew